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Scientific Phone Apps and Mobile Devices

发布日期:2015-12-18 字号:[ ]

The Journal Scientific Phone Apps and Mobile Devices is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the SpringerOpen brand. The first specialized journal in this field, it publishes high quality scientific reports of research and science oriented mobile apps and peripheral mobile devices such as add-on sensors or modifications. It provides an avenue for academic recognition, and serves as a resource for the broader scientific community to learn about the development of such research tools.
The journal accepts full research articles, application notes, reviews, editorials, and correspondences related to the development of research or educational apps in all disciplines. It also includes add-on peripherals (such as additional sensors or connectivity) related to mobile devices, and modifications.
The apps or mobile add-on devices should aim at replacing bulky equipment or to enable certain features on smartphones, phablets or tablets. The focus would be on the functionality and convenience.


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